
Monday, November 11, 2013

33DC: Day 22

Hello! Today we're doing a three color gradient with a pattern. I was very excited about this prompt. I think gradients are really neat, and I can't wait to check out what everyone else came up with! For my gradient I used China Glaze For Audrey, Xtreme Wear Peach Beach, and Zoya Arizona, and sponged them on top of a whole lot of tape.


  1. Looks like a lot of work:) But it was totally worth it!:) It looks gorgeous:)

  2. Very creative and pretty! I have to ask, because of a tape mishap that happened to me the other day when I was trying to do a mani much less complicated, how many gradients layers did you sponge on before removing the tape? Or, another way to put it: how long was your tape on your fingers while you applied the gradient? I have always read that when doing a tape mani, try to apply one thin one coat of a thick polish and to try and remove the tape as quickly as possible after polishing because otherwise you risk the tape pulling the polish up with it. Or if you use a polish that's runny and thin, it will pool in the areas the tape was. Also, I have to know, did you have assistance applying your tape to your nails? I can barely apply one straight line of tape.Many, many thanks in advance for, hopefully, your response. I look at manis like yours and think, "How? How?? How?!" :)

    1. Haha wow, thank you! For this particular mani I did one coat of the gradient on all my nails. Once the first coat was dry, I worked on each finger individually, So I sponged on the second coat and immediately took the tape off on one finger, then I would do that same thing to the next finger. I did apply the tape myself! It just takes some practice and a lot of patience! It might even help to use tweezers to position the tape. I hope I helped, if you ever have any more questions feel free to ask!

    2. That helped tremendously...thank you so much! Since making a gradient requires mixing polishes to some degree where they join, a gradient layer is naturally thicker in areas than a regular layer of polish. I would never have thought to lay down a first pass of the gradient on all ten nails first for fear the thicker parts of the gradient would stick to the tape after the first gradient pass had dried. Plus, with the tape itself already pressed down on at least one layer of white polish underneath, I would be twice as fearful that the tape would pick up the white polish as well. I suppose it would be best to be as certain of success as possible by both 1) using a quick-dry topcoat on the white polish to make sure it was completely dry before putting tape over it and, 2) only doing the first gradient pass on one hand at a time before, as you said, going back with the second gradient layer on one finger at a time and removing the tape immediately after the second gradient layer. Wow! Thank you again. That’s really a brilliant way to accomplish tape gradient polish wizardry!
